Gospel of Mark

Mark 10:32-52

After three years of being with Jesus, listening to him, learning from him, and watching him, the disciples still​ don’t get it. He predicts his death (just like he did in chapter 9), and the disciples twist the conversation to be all about them (just like they did in chapter 9).

Jesus: “I’m going to be mocked, whipped, and cruelly crucified.”

Disciples: “OK, but please make us extra-special important people.”

This was the third time Jesus had told his disciples he would soon suffer and die. And this was at least the third time they tried to make the story about themselves.

We humans are stubborn and slow to learn. It requires daily abiding in Jesus and continual surrender to our Lord to keep things in proper perspective. We are not the star of our life story. We are not the most important person in our personal narrative. We are not the centerpiece of the universe.

Jesus is. Only Jesus. Always Jesus.

We are invited to enter his story and have new life through him. But it is always his story first and foremost. He is the only person who deserves to demand top billing, bright lights, and celebrity treatment. But instead he came “not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many” (10:45).


Mark 10:1-33-52

verses 35-45 (Jesus reverses first and last)

  • Think of someone you know who displays the kind of humble service Jesus describes. What have you noticed? What can you learn from them?
  • In what ways do you struggle serving others humbly, kindly, and joyfully?
  • Why do you think Jesus repeatedly taught his disciples about the upside-down way his followers should live?

verses 46-52 (Jesus hears and heals)

  • If Jesus asked you what he asked Bartimaeus, how would you respond?

Read verses 33-34 aloud. Think about what Jesus would soon willingly face.

General Reflection:

  • What do you learn about Jesus from this passage?
  • What do you learn about following Jesus from this passage?

Extra Info

  • All of Mark has been leading to this moment: “They were on the way up to Jerusalem.” Jesus is heading to his crucifixion.
  • In the ancient world, it was an honor to be seated at the right and left​ side of a ruler.

Old Testament References
